Thursday, 16 October 2014

The Mirror

Remind me who I am.
As I stand in front of your glossy smooth barrier,
I plead with you.
Show me, tell me about me. The real me. 
The one I used to know.
I remember knowing, I know that I knew 
but I can't recall what it was.
All I see is tired lines and a glass measuring cup.
But you know.
 I know you do.
And if I can just be a tiny bit brave,
and reach.... a little bit deeper
Into this long-forgotten well, an under-used sanctuary,
I will likely fall in.
But coming up on the other side with glorious gasps of air
I throw my head back and laugh out loud.
I can't believe I'm on this side of the mirror now.
And I remember everything.
I see what you see.
I know who I am.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Funeral Sandwiches

There are plates of food we will not eat. 
People want, not to drown grief as much as they want to fill it up. 
But        grief             is a hole. 
An emptiness 
where there once was life and light,
 now, a void.
 And I understand why people bring food.
 What else can they do? 
But for me, I think an offering of ashes over sandwiches 
and blank emails with no subject line are my preference over casseroles.